
Why Does My New Car Have An Infrared Windshield?

Infrared Windshield

An infrared windshield reflects the infrared light waves, thus reducing heat build-up from direct sunlight inside the car. What does that mean to the average consumer?  Cost savings from both increased fuel efficiency and a reduced need for use of air conditioning.

1)  Reduced use of air conditioning.  As the driving cabin is not heated by direct sunlight (it has been estimated that the     temperature differential between a conventional windshield and an infrared windshield can be as much as 10 degree Fahrenheit), the air-conditioning system will not be used as often and thus will consume less fuel. 

2)  Fuel efficiency.  A major glass manufacturer estimates that the infrared windshield will make cars 2-4% more fuel efficient due to the reduced use of the air conditioner.

It has been estimated that the infrared windshield will provide a savings of around $66 per year, so the infrared windshield will pay for itself in a little over 4 years (estimated additional initial cost of infrared windshield is $250).

It might be worth a call to Frank's Glass at 513.829.8284 to see if this option is available for your vehicle!