
Blog Entries - 'screens'

Screen Doors
Screen Barn Door Entry

Screen Doors Bring in Spring Breezes

It's that time of year when you want to throw open your windows and let in the Springtime breezes. Screen doors are great for letting breezes in and keeping bugs out — but they can also do so much more. Gain charm and

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Double Pane Window
Insulated Window Unit

Do My Windows Need Replaced?

When it rains or it is a humid day do you see moisture between your window panes or do they appear to be fogged?  If so it probably means you need to replace the insulated unit so you have better insulation value

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Screen Doors
Sliding Barn Door Screen Door

Incorporate Screen Doors in Your Home Design

It's that time of year when you want to throw open your windows and let in the Springtime breezes. Screen doors are great for letting breezes in and keeping bugs out — but they can also do so much more. Gain charm

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Kitchen Windows Illunimate the Room

Choosing Energy Efficient Windows for Your Home

Great article from HGTV discussing the four factors to consider when choosing energy efficient windows: frame, glass, design and installation. The key is knowing what window upgrades will give you the biggest

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front door

Screen Doors Bring a Breathe of Fresh Air

February 27, 2017 When I was young you knew spring was approaching by the sound of the front door screen banging shut and the kids laughing and running outside.  There is no better feeling than having the front

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Washing Windows for Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning: See More Clearly!

Spring is just around the corner so it is time to think about Spring cleaning.  This article from provides some great tips and tricks from the pro's on how to clean your windows so they are

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