
Blog Entries - 'Rescreens'

Screen Doors Blow In a Breathe of Fresh Air

Screen Doors Blow In a Breathe of Fresh Air

When I was young you knew spring was approaching by the sound of the front door screen banging shut and the kids laughing and running outside.  There is no better feeling than having the front door open and the

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Kitchen Windows Illunimate the Room

Choosing Energy Efficient Windows for Your Home

Great article from HGTV discussing the four factors to consider when choosing energy efficient windows: frame, glass, design and installation. The key is knowing what window upgrades will give you the biggest

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Beautiful Dining Room/Kitchen Design

Overwhelmed with Spring Cleaning?

This article from provides 15 tips on how to de-clutter your home without a huge time commitment. Pick one a day and your home will look beautiful in no time at all! As you tidy your home, I found

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front door

Screen Doors Bring a Breathe of Fresh Air

February 27, 2017 When I was young you knew spring was approaching by the sound of the front door screen banging shut and the kids laughing and running outside.  There is no better feeling than having the front

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Window Screen Cleaning

Should I Remove My Screens During the Winter?

Experts recommend that screens be removed during the winter months, primarily because the screen actually blocks about 30-40% of the suns rays.  By removing them you gain solar heat, thus helping with energy

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Beautiful Sunroom with Glass Ceiling

Sunrooms Shine in Different Ways

Does the thought of another cold, snowy winter have you dreaming about sunrooms?  The sunroom (sunporch, solarium, conservatory) has as many functional purposes as it does styles.  Many sunrooms can be used

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